Wow! Yesterday just bought a 2.75mm thin thumb drive. So sleek and light. Sadly, the max size is 1 GB only which cost $25. Now that is damn cheap. Can't believe how lucky i am to find a cheap thumb drive. Superb! Bought it at Sim Lim Square which is also my Dad's and I favorite place. Love it so much. You can find just anything related to computers and electronics.
Brought it to school today and use it to play music as usual. I just realize that 1 GB can hold at least 50 or more songs. That is super big. Anyways, going to put more songs so, got to go.
Brought it to school today and use it to play music as usual. I just realize that 1 GB can hold at least 50 or more songs. That is super big. Anyways, going to put more songs so, got to go.