For whatever reason she has, she will blurt it out to us. Even those whom are innocent have to hear it. Isn't it unfair? Well, she always talk about society outside. How are we to conquer ourselves outside in society when we can't really do it properly now. She likes to nag, sometimes uncessarily. We have to hear. Some little things that needs just a little more time has to be punished. In mind, Band has been very hectic. She knows there's concert coming and she wants us to practice hard to put up a good concert. Then next, she wants us to finish our holiday assignment. Band rehearsal is almost everyday. Sometimes, there's sectional in between. Even Saturday we have practices. Isn't it enough to sacrifice a day of our weekend? Then we've only got rest for three or two days and rehearsal starts again. In that short period of time, how does she expect us to finish our homework. We've got things to practice on, then there's a family side to think of. Within a month, we have to finish our homework or we have to be punished. I know she's the teacher, but she doesn't have to be so uncensible. Sometimes, she just makes some of the members feel like quitting Band. Come to think of it, it's not worth. For a small matter or for the teacher, it's just not worth to quit Band.
look before you leap.
look before you leap.