well, i guess today is National Day. so, Happy National Day everybody!
honestly, i think the parade commander for the parade, sucks ttm. and overall, the parade is just boring. i mean, i know it's the same thing but at the very least add a new item or two.
well, it totally don't feel like a National Day for me at all. basically completed almost all assignments today. pretty much left with one or none.
oh. and i bought this cheapo earphones that i have no freaking idea why i bought it in the first place. the sound quality sucks, or rather, it had no sound quality at all! *note to self: never buy cheapo earphones ever again!
reality check, fasting starts on 11/8. that's incredibly fast. i shall go on a food hunt tomorrow and eat all i crave before fasting!
honestly, i think the parade commander for the parade, sucks ttm. and overall, the parade is just boring. i mean, i know it's the same thing but at the very least add a new item or two.
well, it totally don't feel like a National Day for me at all. basically completed almost all assignments today. pretty much left with one or none.
oh. and i bought this cheapo earphones that i have no freaking idea why i bought it in the first place. the sound quality sucks, or rather, it had no sound quality at all! *note to self: never buy cheapo earphones ever again!
reality check, fasting starts on 11/8. that's incredibly fast. i shall go on a food hunt tomorrow and eat all i crave before fasting!