hey yo. i heard Hari Raya is in two days time? wow. how time flies. and it's only like yesterday i started fasting.
this Ramadan has been a blissful one and it eases pass me in a blink of an eye. i'm about to successfully complete another whole month of fast this year. thank God. but the fact that time flies isn't amusing to me. it just means every hour closer to O levels. and that's horrifying. i'm scared. Prelims started on Thursday, and to me it was not quite well done. i had time to complete all the papers but i just felt it wasn't my very best. oh well, lost time is never found. Maths Paper 1 the following day was quite a breeze. certain questions stumped me but i managed to recall and crack my brain to at least write something. confidence to pass, yes, but confidence to do extremely well is still a no despite having done thousand and one practice papers. it still wasn't enough.
so after the Advanced Examinations, students are going to enjoy four days of weekend due to the upcoming Presidential Election. wheeho. and that just means more time to study. no time for Hari Raya. sad huh. well, not for me. on Wednesday, went to break fast with a group of friends at Seoul Garden for the fun of it and bonding time; though i didn't really bond much. and yesterday night marks a very special day for me. i shall not disclose it publicly. wheeho. break fast with ASSIDUOUS at Puncak, Far East Plaza and i had the time of my life. looking forward to another awesome lepak session with them in the future.
you do crazy things in life. sometimes good, sometimes bad. but where's the fun without all these crazy things? you have one life, you either die trying or go for it. let there be mistakes, so you know it's a mistake. if you didn't try and didn't know it's a mistake, then you wouldn't have known it's a mistake in the first place. and that would leave in wonder if it's a mistake. sometimes even brings remorse. i've had many regrets but many of them are just happy memories. i've made so many mistakes i couldn't even remember some. but that makes me what i am now. i am happy. no, jubilant. i love my life as it is now and it won't be changing for a long time in the future.
so Prom Nite has been such a big fuss amongst the graduating classes. placing a name to a table can be a huge problem. some cause friendships to be distant, some even fight. i mean what, you cannot, touch wood, confirm a graduation out of the school yet. but whatever it is, all is done now and it's only Prom Nite. so, ultimately at the end of the day, they're still your friends and no matter what you still have to be with them. there's just no end to this.
study hard, study smart. play hard, play smart. plan time and start well, start right. k what rubbish. hahaha.