Sometimes in life, many things don't always go your way and certainly relationships is one of them. There are many times where you take for granted the things you have easy to you and forget that it all comes with a price. All the effort you put in and time you spent to achieve what you have or what you want may be gone in seconds if you do not take proper care of that prized possession. Certainly, people fail in many ways, to realise that keeping and maintaing the peace amd harmony in a relationship is a more difficult task than merely creating one. It's effort and maybe money to keep it upright and headed in the right direction. Every single thing you do is no longer about you anymore. It's all about your future and your other half. You got to stop and think that maybe life is all about finding out more of yourself through your other half. I don't know about the rest but for me, mistakes can only be made none. There's no room for mistakes but you can't expect...
i remember when i lost my mind, there was something so pleasant about that place.