school was just getting better and better. more friends are made. and more teachers are known. but the whole class already hate a teacher that is our Science teacher. very bad impression. only the third week and she's been hated. but she is really xiao when angry. when she is nice, she can be very nice. we all like our teachers except for the Science one. moving on, school was great. joining band as CCA. should be fun because there is all my friends. met Evelyn, Ye Yu, Nixon and that very irritating Chrysther. sorry about that. but that is how she is. more homework to cope with. finally found some time to blog as there is less homework today. and yesterday. tomorrow will surely be a hectic day with all the homework. hate it. but its a must. so weekends cannot go anywhere liao. must do homework first then can relax. if not will confirm be dead. but OPSS is ok la. quite strict but the teachers are very kind and funny and supportive and fun! i still miss PYPS lol! quite a bit. slowly but surely must visit. maybe teachers' day. or childrens' day.
Cutiemootie has been nuts. maybe too stressed up.
Cutiemootie has been nuts. maybe too stressed up.