What success. Great job. I did well, i think. There were many parents. So are the other school bands. I did played some wrong notes. And i hope no one noticed. But for sure they can't notice. I am to be noticed. Most interesting thing was that OPWO was so big that there were not enough stands for us. Compare to other bands there, i can say they are quite small. In quantity, not quality or individual size. Wdv. So, my parents and brothers were there. To watch me perform. Which sucked. I mean me. Lucky me that was quick over. But still there's the YJC concert coming up. Which Ms Chang said was to be of a higher standard. Which also means that the sec 3s are playing too. At least i got my 'sister' to play along with.
Fine. Wdv. Bye.
Fine. Wdv. Bye.
Love needs no apologise.