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Showing posts from November, 2009

#220. 30112009.

Yay. Tomorrow is officially 1st December and by 7 more days, there will be something new to me. haha. it's retarded to get excited but it's always these little things that makes a big difference. November has been totally boring with Band occupying the whole of it. it's been so tiring with 2 concerts back to back with few days gap. but it was a memorable concert. especially WISC. many funny or sad or just happy incidents to remember. that's basically what happened in November. this coming December is fully of surprises. and i hope many interestingly fun activities will be held. already got the first one; 7th December. i'm still thinking of following my relatives to Malaysia on the 15th. it's boring to go to the same place over and over but i really need some shopping to be done for next year. =( gah. =D there are things that are not meant to be explained.

third day of November.

school's out. and that's when Band comes in. so spoils the mood. but no as bad as having holidays homeworks. yesterday was the first Band holiday rehearsal. was pretty interesting with what happens after that. and Friday starts Band camp. so not looking forward to that. coz its filled with boringness. and then rehearsals goes on for another few weeks before Alla Marziale VII. after AM VII is WISC. so packed la, with concert after concert. can die ah. =( nvm that. well, as usual holidays are always boring. but freedom. i hate holidays la. anyone want to bring me out??? heaven can wait.